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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
md +cogwheel 20
mm +cogwheel 2
mr +cogwheel 2, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, 22, 28, 32
mv RICEFED +cogwheel 29
mv RICEGOLD +cogwheel 29
mv STAR GOLD +cogwheel 29
mv SUNGOLD +cogwheel 29
n PARYATAN +cogwheel 16
navbharat +hands & cogwheel 41
ne M.D.R OSWAL +cogwheel 23
new M +cogwheel 6, 7, 17
new NATRAJ +cogwheel 20
new khalsa NKMI +cogwheel 7
no. 55 +child & cogwheel 34
om +circle & cogwheel 30
om OMSOL +cogwheel 12
om SETH utpadan +cogwheel 3
cogwheel 3
one india 1 +cogwheel & arc 35, 41, 42
oval & cogwheel 43
p PARKER +cogwheel & oval 11
p PEW PRAVIN +cogwheel 6
pappu OR papa +cogwheel 30
pe +cogwheel & plant 7
plant & cogwheel 44
popular +cogwheel & plants 7
cogwheel 7
premium +circle & cogwheel 7
pure sip +drop & cogwheel 11
q +cogwheel oval & tick 35
r +plant cogwheel & circles 5
cogwheel 6
r RAMNATH +cogwheel 19
cogwheel 42
r W +cogwheel & circle 14
r.g. SONS +cogwheel factory 6
r.i. +cogwheel & chimney 7
re REMZ +cogwheel 12
re ROMES +cogwheel 12
rr RANASONS +cogwheel 7
s SANKER +cogwheel & wreath 7
s SHAAN +cogwheel 12
s SILVERLINE +cogwheel 9
cogwheel 29
s SUMEET +cogwheel 25
s SWARNA +plant & cogwheel 15, 17, 23, 24, 27, 44, 45
s&b SABHARWAL +cogwheel 7
s.p.t. ELECT +cogwheel 25
s.p.t. SELECT +cogwheel 25
safeguard +cogwheel 9
sahara SAMAY +cogwheel 12
sahara samay +cogwheel 8
sampoorn sehat +cogwheel 30
shree +cogwheel 30
shree RAM +cogwheel 7
shree SHREERAM +cogwheel 6
si RUCHI +cogwheel & hands 11
si SWASTIK +cogwheel & oval 12
sme S.N. +cogwheel 9
cogwheel 25
spicemax +cogwheel 30
square plant & cogwheel 7
sri LAKSHMI tyres +cogwheel 12
star cogwheel & arcs 7
steelage +hand & cogwheel 8
stripes arc & cogwheel 7, 9, 11, 42
sudarshan chakra +cogwheel 30
sun cogwheel & square 12
sun & cogwheel 12
sunglass factory +cogwheel 35
super +cogwheel 7
super gold +cogwheel 7
super proof +cogwheel 7
t TAACT +cogwheel 41
t TINA GEARS +cogwheel 12
t TOYO +cogwheel 11, 17
takshshila +cogwheel 41
cogwheel 9
techia +cogwheel 16
tli +cogwheel & wings 16
trade mark D.R.N. +cogwheel 7
tree & cogwheel 1
trees & cogwheel 7, 37
triangle & cogwheel 16, 38, 41, 45
trident & cogwheel 5
trident mace & cogwheel 5
u +cogwheel & square 7
u uttam ACCURATE +cogwheel 7
universal +cogwheel & globe 7
v +cogwheel 8
v +man & cogwheel 7
v VIKRAM +cogwheel 19
v VISHNU cement +cogwheel 19
vmt VIJAY +cogwheel 7
vt VIJAY delux +cogwheel 25
weld master +wm & cogwheel 9
wg WILLS GEAR +cogwheel 12
wtc WAGHEL +cat & cogwheel 9
yellow ply +tree & cogwheel 19
cogwheels 14, 18, 30
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